Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Bunting, bunting, and more bunting.

I can usually be found with either scrapbook paper, scissors, or at least a hot glue gun in my hand, at all times.  

I'm bunting my whole wedding.  From the woods to the aviary.  Covered in bunting.  

Today I completed my first two bunting projects with words.  They obviously won't be next to each other at the wedding, but for the photographs sake, they are.  


Of course, I decided to make my own programs for the wedding.  Back in high school I was the editor of my school newspaper, so I learned a lot of good design skills.  A couple months ago when I was completing a project for a health class in college, I toyed with Adobe Illustrator and LOVED it.  I decided to make my wedding program playing off a program I found on Intimate Weddings diy blog.  I used Illustrator to create the perfect wedding program for Kevin & I.  We both adore them!

Thursday, May 17, 2012


I've finished the bouquets and boutonnieres.  *high five*

Cake flowers

I'm actually getting some of my paper flowers put onto our wedding cake by the place that is doing it.  I made the flowers extra small because I thought it would look more ornate.  They are ADORABLE when they are teeny tiny.  Check it out!

Monday, May 7, 2012

From pinterest to life

Sometimes I feel like my house is pinterest...


I made all of these by hand.  I now have 40 completed.  Cutting the burlap was quite a job, but I'm so happy with how they turned out!


Kevin's boutonniere that I made from an atlas and burlap!


This is my mixed media bouquet that I made from books, atlas', ribbon, and burlap!

[updated since I actually got married...]


I'm a crafty person.  Once we started talking about marriage, I made the decision that I was going to DIY my wedding.  For anyone who doesn't know, DIY stands for "do it yourself."  I had never really thought much about what I wanted at my wedding until Kevin and I started talking about it, but once I caught the marriage bug, you could say I got prepared.  I decided that I wanted a global theme, not so much bringing in other cultures, but displaying maps and globes.  I crochet all the time during the winter months, and had just crocheted a cool flower, so I started thinking about making my flowers, rather than buying them.  I decided I wasn't good enough at crocheting flowers to crochet my bouquet, but I took on the task of teaching myself to create paper flowers.  I bought a random old book and some atlas' and began making paper flowers.  Slowly, with the help of pinterest, my wedding crafting is looking AMAZING.  

I want to use this blog as a way to show people that their pinterest dream weddings don't just have to be dreams!

Our Engagement Story

On the night of Easter, after a full day of church and a fun dinner with our best friends, Kevin and I packed up the car with random items, including lunchables and sleeping bags, and drove up to the Peaks of Otter.  We slept in his car for approximately 2 hours before beginning our ascent to the top of Sharp Top Mountain at 3am.  We hiked for a couple hours, making it to the top, just prior to the sunrise.  It was FREEZING and although the sunrise was pretty, it wasn't breathtaking like we had hoped. 

We were planning on hanging out up there for a while (I got really bad blisters on my feet while hiking up), but because it was so cold, we started back down after the sun was up fully.  By the time we made it to the bottom, it was around 8:30am.  We got back in the car, sleepy, cold, and hungry.  Kevin decided we would drive to Roanoke along the Blue Ridge Parkway, then hang out in Roanoke for the rest of our day off.  

As we drove along the parkway, we passed several beautiful pull offs.  We stopped at one to take a couple pictures.

We got back in the car and continued journeying until we came upon another beautiful pull off.  We decided we should just kick back and hang out at this one for a little while.  We were literally on the Appalachian trail.  Kevin backed his jeep up so that we could sit in the back in our pile of blankets and sleeping bags and look out and see God's beautiful creation.  Kevin grabbed his bible and asked if I was interested in starting our day off with God's word.  Of course I did!  There is nothing better than hearing my fiance's sweet voice reading the Bible.  He started reading in Ephesians 3.  Ephesians is my favorite book of the Bible.  He read chapters 3, 4, and 5.  He stopped and started talking about the passage he just read.  It says:

"Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything.Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless. In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. After all, no one ever hated their own body, but they feed and care for their body, just as Christ does the church— for we are members of his body. “For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.” This is a profound mystery—but I am talking about Christ and the church. However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband."

He starts talking about how the passage says that husbands are to wash their wives with water through the word.  He jumps out of the jeep and walks around the car, coming back with a bottle of Fiji water, an Egyptian cotton towel, and a bar of Dove soap (I include the details because he is very proud of them).  He proceeds to get down on his knees and wash and rub my dirty, blistered, and bleeding feet.  It was a beautiful picture of God redeeming us from our filth.  After washing my feet, he sat back in the car with me and read the entire passage I typed out above, again.  He then talks about how it tells husbands to feed their wives and take care of her, just as he takes care of himself.  Kevin got back out of the car and then returned with a small loaf of fancy bread.  He broke pieces and fed me and himself.  He talked to me about how he would die for me and I'm the first person he's ever told that.  We talked about unconditional love.  He then read the passage from Ephesians 5 one last time.  He then said, "But we're missing one big part of this..." and got out of the car and went to get something out of his backpack once again.  He returned with a bag from Bowen's, a local jewelry store.  As he fumbled to open the bag and pull out the box, he got down on one knee and asked me to marry him.  I said yes, he put my dream ring on my finger, and I started weeping.  HAPPIEST MOMENT OF MY LIFE.  

We recreated the ring scene.

Here are some more pictures from the beautiful morning we got engaged.

Kevin proposed to me in the most amazing, beautiful, biblical, perfect way.  

About Us

Hi!  My name is Casey and my amazing soon-to-be husband is Kevin.  This is us:

We are both 20 year old college students who attend Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia.  I am a Health Promotion major and Kevin is studying Human Resources in the business department.  I am graduating in December 2012, Kevin in May 2013.  We both love the Lord with all our hearts and plan on moving overseas to pursue starting a business and sharing the gospel in South Asia or the Middle East.  

I am from a very small town in Western North Carolina.  I love reading, crafting, crocheting, photography, and spending every other ounce of my time with Kevin.  

Kevin is from a small city in Northeastern Oklahoma.  He loves music, reading, deep conversations, road trips, and me, of course.

We are best friends, united by God, and stoked to become husband and wife.

We are "tying the knot" on June 10, 2012.  :D